Cengage Authors

Author Spotlight: Margaret Lazzari

Author Spotlight
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Margaret LazzariWelcome to our Author Spotlight, where we will celebrate the accomplishments of our talented group of authors! 

This month, we’d like to highlight the work of Margaret Lazzari, author of Exploring Art: A Global Thematic Approach. Instead of taking a chronological approach to art history, Lazzari takes a thematic approach. She focuses on themes found across cultures such as religion, power and politics, sexuality, mind and body, mortality and immortality, nature and technology, and entertainment and visual culture. This approach helps keep students engaged and also encourages them to make connections between art and their daily lives. 

In addition to her talents as an author and professor, Lazzari’s paintings have been exhibited in galleries and museums for more than 35 years. Her work was recently highlighted by her alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis, where she earned her M.F.A. 

She is now a professor at the University of Southern California’s Roski School of Art and Design, as well as half of the Lazzari and Evans Public Art Design Team, with commissions throughout Southern California.

To learn more about her and her work, you can visit: https://www.slu.edu/universitas/archive/2019/alumni-spotlight-margaret-lazzari.php